Legal note
azucaresros.comTerms of use
This web page has been designed to display the products created and distributed by Azúcares Ros. Access to the website implies acceptance of the conditions expressed in this document.
The Company reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications to the information contained in this website.
Owner of the website
Azucares Ros provides the following information in accordance with that stipulated by Law 34/2002 – LSSICE “Servicios de la Sociedad y la Información de Comercio Electrónico”, governing information society services and electronic commerce:
Owner: Viuda de José María Ros Baixauli S.L. (hereinafter «Azúcares Ros»)
Intellectual and industrial property
This website and all its contents, including text, images, audio and any other materials are property of Azúcares Ros or third parties that have authorized the use of such content. Any duplication, reproduction, transmission, copy, dissemination, distribution, handling or manipulation of the contents of this website is strictly forbidden, whether as a whole or in part, for personal, public or business purposes without the previous written consent by Azúcares Ros.
Limitation of Liability
Azúcares Ros is not responsible for any possible security errors that could occur through the use of outdated browsers or the consequences that may arise from malfunction of the browser, either by setting inadequate presence of computer viruses or any other cause beyond Azúcares Ros.
Limitations of Use
Users who access this website are authorized to view all the information and contents of it. The copying, reproduction, transmission, distribution or modification of the site or its contents is not authorized.
Azúcares Ros reserves the right to end the user’s access to this website, without notice, temporarily, for technical reasons or any other nature, thus being able to modify unilaterally the terms of access, including all or part of the contents include.
Elements of the website
Browsing and security
The user can browse the web site pages anonymously. Web servers only retain a number of public data for statistical purposes. These data are the domain name or IP address Internet access provider, the Internet address from which you access to the website (whether this URL is on our site or not) and what browser and operating system you are using to access the page.
You can find more information on our Cookie Policy.
The images of the products displayed on the website only serve as a reference of the products offered by Azúcares Ros. Azúcares Ros reserves the right to modify this content without prior notice.
Azúcares Ros provide links directly or indirectly, to other web sites with informational purposes only. Such links are provided only for the convenience of the user, and do not imply endorsement of any products or services.
Data privacy
Azúcares Ros website does not collect any personal information without your knowledge nor we share or sell our database with third parties. In accordance with Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, Azúcares Ros is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of customer, users and visitors information and comply with all the legal requirements.
If you have any concerns about privacy on Azúcares Ros website, please visit Privacy policy.
Legislation and Jurisdiction
The present Legal note is governed by the Spanish Law, by expressly submitting Azúcares Ros and the users to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia, renouncing any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.